Due to the current situation with Covid Young People March has not been able to deliver its usual service to young people.
We are looking forward to opening and delivering sessions and support to all young people in March and surrounding areas.
YPM are working hard to be able to fund all its usual sessions and to be able to offer additional support to young people.
The pandemic has affected many lives and we feel that we need to be able to support many vulnerable young people especially children and young people who may now have been affected by any mental health issues.
We will be looking at improving volunteering opportunities, improving community cohesion, improve the community working together, promote safer communities, reduce crime and anti-social behaviours.
We will be supporting young people who are isolated and reduce isolation by offering them sessions so they can engage in peer activities. We will promote human rights and we will offer services to improve health physical, mental and emotional. We will increase access to sport exercise and leisure facilities. We will guide and support any young person facing any issues including addictions and we can refer any young person on to professional services to receive additional support.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back into the centre from all of the YPM team!

Young People Enjoying Easter Holiday Workshops
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